On Nov. 20th The Einsteinium Foundation was presented with an opportunity to fund the following science research project:
http://www.neuroscientistnews.com/research-news/memory-problems-caused-sleep-deprivation-preventedhttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/grv2is4anmajn4d/AAAu-6uCJ4QanyQL89mq4Q5ca?dl=0After a cursory examination of the facts I commissioned a Vetting Committee to determine if the project was a good fit for the foundation.
Yesterday the board received a favorable recommendation from the chairman of the committee, recommendation indicated in part:
"After much deliberation and research into our potential science project funding, I am officially recommending the following:
R.Havekes, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Biology
Research Associate, Ted Abel laboratory
Smilow Center for Translational Research 10th Floor, Room 171
3400 Civic Center Blvd Bldg 421
Philadelphia, PA 19104-5158
... Some of Robbert's work:http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/penn-led-team-prevents-memory-problems-caused-sleep-deprivation"
The matter is now before the board for final consideration, we will address the following:
1) Does the project received board approval?
2) If so, what is the minimum amount of the award?
3) Do we offer crowd funding resources?
Not up for consideration:
1) if the project is approved, and if crowd funding is not selected, the grant will be paid with EMC2 currency,
2) if the project is approved, no request will be made to the EMC2 community for additional funds of any kind,
Crowd Funding
I believe crowd funding is a great resource for EMC2, and I believe it can make the difference between a good grant and a great grant however I also know how much work goes into a good campaign. If the board approves the project and authorizes crowd funding, and if the applicant agrees with the terms of the crowd funding campaign the project stands a great chance of receiving more funds than the applicant targeted, as well as more funds than we otherwise could afford.
If we crowd fund projects it will provide a great level of exposure (with positive impressions) for EMC2, the project, and the applicant as well. I know how difficult it is to get volunteers so I will create reasonable and responsible financial incentives that will kick-in at specific success levels of campaign.