HYPERfuture and HYPER Community;Thanks for your support of The Havekes Project. Indeed your donation, your campaign participation, as well as your
coin's impact on the CC world and gaming industry should be recognized and appreciated, keep up the great work.
The official HYPER address for Havekey Project donations is: HE1EdHGs2WcAk8doDeqMMkjFyL4eiCvVy6.
Considering rate fluctuations over the campaign period we maintain values in native currency, in this case HYPER coins.
Also, please provide a link to the image you want included in the your sponsor logo area of the campaign.
Dear Einsteinium Community; It was recently reported that over the past 2 days the Havekes Project video at youtube registered 300 views, 3 comments and 7 likes.
This is really good news, this activity places our video higher within the 'science' search matrix at youtube. The target is 300 views in 3 days,
that was accomplished, where possible 10 comments and 10 likes in that same period of time will add another boost to our ranking -- let's
reach that too.
Now when someone searches for "Einsteinium Foundation Science Research Grant Application For Robbert Havekes PhD"
or portion thereof this video will be on the search list, additionally our keywords will also be factored in. Given that youtube is part of Google and Google is the #1
search engine, that also means if you do the same search in any search engine our video should return high within the search ranking.
Here are 3 distinct ways to help the campaign by way of the youtube video:
1) View it, 'like' it, make a comment there, like any other comment, favor it too
2) Connect it with other relevant videos at youtube. If you notice, at the end of every video you watch you are provided with other videos to view next. That list of suggested videos is based primarily on what other viewer watched after viewer the subject video -- that is how the connection was made. So it would be great if after watching this video that you then searched for another video having to do with science research, cryptocurrency, sleep disorders, science philanthropy, the University of Pennsylvania, (you get the idea) so that the Havekes Project video has good connections.
3) Do a general search (not a video search) in google, yahoo, and bing for: Einsteinium Foundation Science Research Grant Application For Robbert Havekes PhD,
then click on the link that is associated with our video even if it is not presently at the top of the ranking.
This campaign is experiencing early successes it would be great if we could get some more volunteers.