There are many ways to meaningfully support crowd funding campaigns, earlier I spoke about searching for the campaign using keywords in indiegogo's search box as well as using those same keywords in major search engine's search boxes. More recently I spoke about using social media to support the campaign. beit a thumb's up from facebook, a tweet or retweet on twitter, or any other voting methods and all of the sharing methods available at the social media platforms -- they all help the campaign. Today lets examine a third way to support the campaign -- through groups, websites, videos comments, and discussion boards.
Our basic keywords are: Robbert Havekes, PhD, research scientist, science, University of Pennsylvania, memory loss, Sleep Deprivation, indiegogo, EMC2, the einsteinium foundation, crowdfunding, crowd funding
You should use as many of those keywords as possible, and where possible also provide links to other places that you believe have strong connections to the campaign if not to the campaign itself. Examples of strong connections would be any one of the very many articles published on the study, this thread, or the crowd funding page at The Einsteinium News (
Our objective is to connect our keywords with relevant web sites, groups, videos, and discussion boards. Relevant subjects could be: science, science research, cryptocurrency, crowd funding, education, health, sleep disorders, sleep deprivation, memory problems, memory loss, brain research, etc ...
You can start by searching for "crowd funding sleep deprivation". First look for our campaign and click on it so that the search connection is made. Then do the same search and look for a listing that you feel closely resembles, mirrors, or is about what our campaign is about. If that website, group, forum, or video has an area to make a comment please include some of our keywords in your statement. Let me know if you want to use an official EMC2 email address to market the campaign.
If you see another statement that supports our campaign please 'like it' (thumbs up) too.
Every big or little effort counts.
With concerted effort we could get the Havekes crowdfunding campaign on the home page of indiegogo; that would be a massive achievement for the campaign.
some current campaign stats:
224 unique page visits
45 referrals (people who used links to arrive at page)
7 facebook votes/shares
9 twitter votes/shares
4 google votes/shares
5 comments (you don't have to donate to comments -- please share some encouraging words)
9 donations (2 people multiple times)
Goal to raise a minimum of $100 within the first hour of the campaign -- achieved
Goal to raise a minimum of $300 withing the first 24 hours of the campaign -- achieved
Goal to raise the campaign base goal within 10 days, 49% there at 2 days in
Goal to have a minimum of 6 campaign sponsors -- achieved and growing
Goal to have a minimum of 25 'Funders' is 27% reached at only 6% into the campaign
Overall, statistically the campaign is performing as expected which is better than site average, particularity for starting on New Year's eve, and category and sub-category (health and science respectively). Based on all of those factors the campaign is doing great.