CryptoGiving! A new mining pool dedicated to giving people an easy way to mine the top cryptocurrencies while simultaneously building tools to give back to real world technology, development and charity.
Here's a excerpt from their website:From way we want to accomplish the above is to be as open and transparent in our operations as possible. We want people to know where their hard earned money, hashing power and coins are going. With that, we will seek to be as open and honest in our operations as possible by doing the following:
We will make sure 100% of all direct donations go directly to charity. This means if you don’t want to mine with us, but still want to donate to one of the listed addresses, 100% of your donation will go to charity and non of it will go to our operating expenses
We will always take 50% of the mining fees and put them toward charity. This means that even if we don’t have enough to cover our operating expenses for that month, we will still put the same amount into charity. We will not sacrifice charity donations to cover our operating expenses
We will take the excess and roll them over to the next month’s operating expenses. If we have an excess in operating expense collection for a certain month, we will take that excess and roll it over to the next month. This will allow us to build a ‘bank’ for all operating expenses and as we grow and will allow us to predict and stabilize expenses from month to month. Once we are stable and operating at a surplus, we’ll either be able to drop the mining fees by a small amount or contribute more to charity
We know there will be bumps along the way. Perhaps we’ll have a server crash or someone will try and DDOS us taking us down. We know things like this are going to happen. However, what we’re looking to build is a solid user base that will stick with us through these trials because they believe in our goals. We’re not perfect IT people and we know there will be mistakes. But with the help of a solid community and honest and trusting users, we will overcome trials and still be solid framework for crypto currency mining
How do you feel about this new type of pool service? We are interested in the idea and would like to hear the thoughts of our miners and supports. Is this a good fit for EMC2?
Check out their website at to add Einsteinium to their pool (Vote in the bottom left New Coin Poll)