PoT save Fluttercoin from PoS fork?
emercoin has fork.
There is fork happening in the EmerCoin network after block 136404.
Some clients do not receive correct block 136405, and continue staking.
We're working for investigate this issue, and will release patch soon.
EmerCoin base on peercoin.
Clarification the nature of the problem of the past day and fix announcement:
It was attack onto EmerCoin blockchain, based on the vulnerability in the previous version of PPC protocol, related to altering some signatures.
Attack has been performed months before fork date, when malefactor submitted "poisoned blocks". The rest of the clients
on the network downloads those blocks from peers, and did not see the difference.
It explains that "poisoned blockchain" infect a large number of participants.
No financial consequences of the fork was happening, the only problem is that some customers were in
"deadlock" and could not go to the main blockchain branch. Refetch blockchain from the trusted sources was fixed issue.
However, we prepared the wallet, contains new rules to generate signatures, for fix this problem.
These rules incompatible with current ones, and will be activated Thursday, 03-Dec-15 00:00:00 UTC.
You mandatory need upgrade your wallet before Thursday, 03-Dec-15 00:00:00 UTC.
Otherwise, you will be trapped into "deadlock" again - approx 1 month after Dec, 3.
If you in the deadlock right now - you needed delete and refetch blockchain. I.e. delete all files except wallet.dat and emercoin.conf.
If you on correct blockchain branch - just update the program.