I've recently(4-5 days now) started staking GB through my windows wallet. I'm seeing a trend how the staking is working in my wallet.
It stakes for some time, staking 2-3 GB coins and then stops staking and shows message "Not staking because you don't have mature coins".
Is this behavior normal ? Query 1
I posted a query about this message earlier here and the dev informed me that the term "mature coins" means the coin should be available in my
open wallet for a certain amount of time for staking to start.
The way I understood this is once the said certain amount of time criteria is met then my staking would start and would continue until I add new coins to the wallet - is this correct ? Query 2
The problem for me that the message ("Not staking because you don't have mature coins") is not very helpful as it is very generic and does not
inform when I would've mature coins again ? Query 3
Also when we talk about "mature coins" - is there any specific time period after which coins would mature for staking or is it random or does it depends upon the number of coins I've in my wallet ? Query 4
Your coins have to be in your unlocked wallet ( best to be encrypted ) for a minimum of 8 hours before they reach maturity. Once you have staked those coins that were used in the staking process lose there coin age and the process starts again so those coins will take another 8 hours before they reach maturity.
This is a very crude example of the pos cycle.