how do you think the wallets find one another?
they all use that IRC channel to announce to one another, the problem is right now all three chains worth of wallets are all announcing to one another one that same channel.
really what?
oh right.. you mean the irc lookup channel..
sorry, i thought you was talking about actual chat
(and no, i'm not the mod)
but what has that got to do with your previous statements?
new downloads are getting stuck because you jammed up all three of the addnode IPs on the elgius chain.
I have two VPS that are syncing to the middle chain right now, once they are synced I can release them for people to use as 'addnodes.. you can even sync your three original nodes to them at that point if you want.
then problem will be resolved.
none of the addnodes are synced at all (or even running the daemon), except khal block explorer (and i removed that link) and that one isn't even on eligius chain
so dunno where you made that shit up from...
i was going to start a local link between 2 vm's, one with the longest chain.. and see if the other can sync from scratch by just using that as a node and nothing else... but, i need to first sync to the longest chain..
either way.. doesn't matter, there is still a problem, otherwise we would reorg to the longest chain