I'm the exact same person I was then and am today.
Let me introduce you to a scammer
FarmerOak hiding under the fake name of
Phil Wearn https://auroradao.com/about/Here is his short CV on Aurora Dao website:
Former Co-founder of EtherEx, https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ann-etherex-ethereum-based-smart-contract-coin-2107409 Phil has been building blockchain based companies since the time when Ethereum was little more than a white paper. (Sounds like a bullshit isn't it?
) EtherEx is a scam as you can see from the announcement link.
I mined bitcoin with ASICs in 2013-2014 and then stepped away from crypto for a couple years.
Another bullshit
All social media and linkedin accounts are real
Could you give us a link to your Twitter or a Facebook profile? (There is no
Phil Wearn on Twitter nor on Facebook)
I am not the CEO of Aurora
Then who the fuck are you? It is written on the website that you are COO of that scammy company.
Our core code is not open source
Decentralized exchange
with no open sourse code that means no github.. great
I am a scammer and my name is not Phil Wearn.
Yes dude, we know that, because you do not have Twitter profile, you do not have Facebook profile, you do not have Instagram profile. Just a fake linkedin profile with a fake name on it.
Hi Mosprognoz, this is Alex Wearn here, CEO of Aurora. As farmeroak (Brian) has mentioned, we have an individual who is trying to extort us to list his token, literally called "scam coin", on our exchange. We have reason to believe you are this same individual, as he has offered to "make our problem on bitcointalk go away" if we send him 1 eth. I don't expect my reply will make you stop, but I do want to refute all of your claims for anyone who may come across this thread and question the integrity of our company.
Team Members: As has been said multiple times all of our linkedin profiles are listed on our site. Here is a video of me discussing our project on the CyrptoCoinShow a week ago,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBiXruVl4QA&feature=youtu.be. Here is my twitter profile,
https://twitter.com/followers?lang=en. I'm not very active but you can see a lot of the information is from our pre-pivot company, decentralized capital. Here is a video of me presenting about that company at demo day at DevCon 2,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Idws7px6NU. My medium account with all of our Aurora related blog posts
Our COO, Phil, was a co-founder of the etherex exchange, here is the github
https://github.com/etherex/etherex/commits/master. As you can see the commits stopped in around April 2016 as the project disbanded. The link you found does indeed appear to be some scam token that is trying to piggyback off the Etherex brand name.
Here is the link to the AurorDao github page, all of our smart contracts are open source
As for the assets on IDEX, we are a decentralized exchange and as such we try not to pass judgement on what assets are made available. We agree that the airdrops have gotten a little out of hand, and have actually stopped adding tokens to the exchange that don't at least have their own email domain (because if you can't make that minimal investment you probably aren't very reputable). The majority of the tokens you've highlighted have literally never traded, so I'm not sure why you believe we are collaborating with the token creators.
If anyone still has any questions please let me know, happy to provide any more info.