No matter what do not sell your coins and if they go to 1 penny buy more. HBC has intentionally been trying to kill this project for over a month now after BCC went down. They are the worst kind of liars - prefectly organized up front and now suddenly bumbling idiots. They also have a ton of newbie bots posting about how bad it is now in an attempt to get you to sell this cheap.
If HBC owns all the coins at the end then you get nothing! They are probably laughing now as people keep giving them more 95%+ profit margins.
You will need the coins to prove what you have so when the funds they have are seized by a government organization you will be able to file a claim. It could take several years to get the money back but it will be nice to have especially if BTC is worth 6 figures then.
The way we work seizures is that we take as much as we can at bargain basement pricing so the fines are extremely high. Then we sell off for a discount so we can get the funds recovered. Since this is not typical property like a car and mostly BTC it makes the auction better because people will bid up closer to the value. Today Bitcoin is "hard to price" because it is so volatile. In a few years when more companies adopt it then pricing will be more on target
Just as crypto has always proven, you just need to be patient for the payday. 25 extra cents wont make a dent in your anger today so just keep them until the official operation takes place.
Venezuela now has the eyes - nowhere for ponzis to run now.
This better explains the issues that are facing unethical lending companies:
The dollar is similar to Ethereum. Unlike other currencies around the world, each US Dollar represents a contract as it is really a note. Each note is an IOU to the Federal Reserve Banking system. There is a Federal Reserve bank in every country of the world with 1 exception (North Korea). There were only 3 holdout countries worldwide but Cuba and Iran will soon be operational. This means that when you trade in the US Dollar you are bound to a contract. If you trade in this contract you are bound not only by US laws but also by international laws because of its contractual connection to the Federal Reserve.
Crypto Lending platforms would have been well-suited to use another base currency (versus a note). The only problem is that each company knew if they did not use the dollar that they would not attract the money of contributors from the United States. In this case, being part of an "unregulated" industry is of little protection. Operating an illegal Ponzi scheme and soliciting funds from citizens of the United States of America shows complicit behavior. Therefore the actions taken by each lending project to operate an illegal entity (just under US laws) holds each member of the company liable for penalties and prosecution. As I posted earlier, this project must be successful.