the volume of trading fell to a minimum what are you planning to do? now no one is interested in you!
Please we are still one of the highest lending coins out there and probably the only real one beside all the fake ones. We got many things planned for the future so be ready
The only thing that sucks about this whole price range thing is the fact that I always exchange my profits from fiat to hbc almost daily. I rather hold hbc. I was exchanging at the $8 rate and now it's $2.01. When I woke up this morning it was $1.80. I thought it was a mistake. I could have had more token if the price was the same in both internal and external exchange from day one. In return I ended taking a loss.
900 / $8
800 / $2.01 or 800 / $1.80
Huge difference. SMH
You could have waited and exchanged the first portion of fiat when the price is synced and then hold to wait it rise.
From the other hand, it's pretty hard to predict what strategy is better at any given time point.
Yes you are right but we try our best for all of you! Come on guys! First you demand the internal exchange value to be synced with the market price. Now you're demanding to bring the $8 lending opportunity back
Haha that will always stay the same, we can't make everybody happy we know this :/ But we try as much as we can!Come on guys! First you demand the internal exchange value to be synced with the market price. Now you're demanding to bring the $8 lending opportunity back
One more who dont understand the System...
YOU can set your own Price at the Market (internal Market and also at Cryptopia and so on...) What should HomeBlockCoin do?
If you want to sell your HBC's and you set a Price of 1.000.000$ for each coin you have then you can do it!
Nobody force you to buy them!
Great Statement!Get out while you can @ $4.00.
I did warn you guys a few days ago now your left holding the bag.
Where is your ferrari
I am closer to owning one than you are if you are invested in this shit Ponzi that is subject to collapse at anytime.
BTW Davor now banned by Texas with a Cease and Desist order, you think this is not going to ripple down to Homeblock coin?
No it won't as we have a working system, so if any govement bans HBC we simply can show them that we are real and that's it
No need for HBC to be scared beside all thses ponzi coins as you mentioned we are pretty much real. Of course we understand your concerns.Hello devs!
Add firstly Bitcoin Cash into your internal exchange, then some other coins like LTC, ETH (HBC/BTC; HBC/ETH; HBC/LTC). Further on, you can create the exchange platform like binance, like low-commissions paid by HBC, which gives a discount 50% (like BNB). That's about after 6th month.
We are working on such solutions right now stay tuned