Any Innovation?
Dear administration, you are saying that it is not your problem(since 12/18/17 ), but it your coins that got stuck on the Marketplace that you gave us. I never received any answer from them, though I am trying to reach them over a month already. If you referred us to Coinhouse, then you know them, know their administration, then solve the problem. I am just a user that trying to get my coins and suffered from unprofessional attitude of Coinhouse stuff.
PS: I will be placing these message all over the internet, on forums and scam monitoring until I get this issue resolved.
you have very funny logic. feel like you don't want to understand. How do you want our dev solve your problem? THERE IS NO ANY CRYPTOCURRENCY AT ALL, that responsible for this kind of issue. it doesn't depend, what stuck on coinhouse, after you deposit your hbc there, it is between you and coinhouse, stop talking bad things about HomeBlockCoin, don't be funny.Here is an example, you bought Mercedes from official dealership, and you taking car to mechanic shop and they dont work on your car, then you coming to Mercedes and saying "guys, you need take responsibility for that , because car(coin) that stuck in the mechanic shop(marketplace) you sold me". "PS: I will be placing these message all over the internet, on forums and scam monitoring until I get this issue resolved." go ahead , but everybody gonna say that YOU WRONG.