By the way, I began to study this problem and I saw that in many countries they are obliged not to dig in the waste of oil processing, but force them to burn them.
That's just not clear what is better, because when burned, enough harmful substances are released into the air.
Everything depends on the legislation of the country where the oil producing enterprise is located, as well as on the cost of various methods of waste disposal.
If the PRT-2 installations can not only destroy waste, but also receive additional fuel, they will be successful.
The developers of PRT-2 in all seriousness say that their installations are capable of not only destroying the waste of oil processing, but also getting fuel and other useful materials from them.
More details about the PRT-2 installations and the developers' plans can be found in White Paper. There is also a video where the project's founder, Anatoly Papusha, talks about his invention.
I read their website and studied the project in sufficient detail. The project is very interesting. I have only doubts that the development team will be able to quickly start the production of PRT-2 installations, produce and sell them in the planned number of pieces.