On your website you give an example of being able to find pizza lovers from Melbourne. Can you be more specific about how your platform could accomplish this? Saying that contributors will find the data on the internet isn't a good answer. How would someone identify me and track down my info if I should be on that list?
For example, in forums for pizza-lovers. Or in the specific group on facebook. Again on the Facebook - among the people who liked the pages of Pizza-restaurants in Melbourne.
That makes sense, don't you think so?
With this specific example, I have a hard time believing that there would be enough identifying information for a contributor to know that a forum user was in Melbourne, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
That still doesn't explain how a contributor would get the person's contact information, which is the most important part of the process.
How much are businesses paying for leads in your experience so far? The process sounds time consuming, so I'd like to have an idea of how much contributors are earning for their time.
Finding contacts is the easiest feature of Snovio work. The point is in knowing whos contact information you need. That is the sense of decentralized lead generation. The data gathered from different sources: you get the interests from forums, the contacts from facebook, the work experience from LinkedIn and so on...
You may find our prices on our website - https://snov.io/pricing.html
As to contributors, they get either 70% from the purchase of their lead or the sum which was set by the customer if we are speaking about a marketplace.
As to time, the thing is that contributors don't gather the data manually. They just use internet surfing the different pages while our plugin is gathering the information.