even in the largest, most developed, and sophisticated markets and exchanges, new listings or offerings, e.g., bonds, stocks, funds/ETFs, etc are regularly held-up, postponed, or re-scheduled due to "market conditions". Now, I am NOT saying that that is the case here but, if it is, it is well-played, because better to launch & finish and distribute CARDs late-April then late-March given the terrible, unstable, low-energy, -volume, -interest CC market we are going through ... in any event, as Abraham Lincoln stated, "I may walk slow but I never walk backwards!" The key for CHRIS TSE and his team is to make good progress everyday and be careful of the "shifting-sands" (legal jeopardy) in many jurisdictions starting w/ the USA! Watch, Sir, this WILL BE A GREAT PROJECT ... so, Best Success to You and Us "''stackers" in here!!! ...