Are you the owner of any of these addresses (list made some days ago)
Balance 8,610,754,645.08309 KARM
Balance 2,325,999,996.987 KARM
Balance 1,970,465,383.09718 KARM
Balance 1,500,000,000.0 KARM
Balance 1,299,999,877.0 KARM
Balance 1,200,000,000.0 KARM
Balance 1,188,000,000.0 KARM
Balance 1,188,000,000.0 KARM
Balance 1,146,750,819.03363 KARM
Balance 1,140,174,843.16684 KARM
Address KPqpXPaGJvCZQfYNJzyxC2A16xu9KB5AJw
Balance 1,000,049,960.0 KARM
Rich List Rank 11
Address K8AGWedMTXi7UCx98M3k7C8wMXaWUC5MBw
Balance 1,000,000,000.0 KARM
Rich List Rank 12
Address KBfCmdekocYFni9Xqshc8gBvTmaP2kqNfD
Balance 999,381,820.41032 KARM
Rich List Rank 13
Address KFz9bEkWJsNuNojopV78Z85ab8s1WRHnKr
Balance 990,000,000.0 KARM
Rich List Rank 14
Address KEZW6iYsnZtFBUpNpwC11HyzKSosSM7DgL
Balance 894,230,916.3552 KARM
Rich List Rank 15
Address KJGFEDn34785FeFcY2R8wv2x3uhAXNKJLn
Balance 800,099,996.6 KARM
Rich List Rank 16
Address KPyKuqn7dxJvgY4LjSD4dnRhfNfgsieE42
Balance 758,349,034.386793 KARM
Rich List Rank 17
Address KGdoYwAdtSxc9TXub7XQjk3MgxBGR9kdEA
Balance 699,299,235.913709 KARM
Rich List Rank 18
Address KK7yBZzYqNkxhaXEPQdpnH1cqtQ3kT9ahs
Balance 618,831,047.349005 KARM
Rich List Rank 19
Address KLfmcwgK83EdxDB6J56G2aVX9s889P67TN
Balance 590,942,011.95624 KARM
Rich List Rank 20
Address KKfd4gwBXKYmybD6ks466C8MSkdADwP8Vo
Balance 582,000,000.0 KARM
Rich List Rank 21
Address KUqByfbjqfgej8H1PsQbN4AkuiKEtU9rQA
Balance 539,589,036.0 KARM
Rich List Rank 22
Address KQ6FWQTSdTkBA8LXv4F7JzKi55tqoHkEf8
Balance 539,131,397.289351 KARM
Rich List Rank 23
Address KUqByfbjqfgej8H1PsQbN4AkuiKEtU9rQA
Balance 539,589,036.0 KARM
Rich List Rank 22
Let's see...Do you like 100% of a useless coin or 90% of a valuable coin??
If you want the later, send at least 10% of those coins here: ---->
KRuPCSjz5YgatDETwiwERLZffEstmRYbCs We will use the coins that will be collected as
KARMA'S WORKING FUND.What do you gain? As we complete tasks and projects for Karma your 90%multimillion coin balance will grow proportionately in value.
For example:
If you got 500,000,000 and you sent 50,000,000 to this fund you will have a balance of 450 000 000. at the current FALLING market price this is worth 149 LTC or 1.7 BTC (provided you can sell them all at 33litoshis, but we all know that if you sell all of them in one go, you can end up selling them at the average price of 15 litoshis. Bringing the total value to about 0.8 BTC (not much), but if you send 50M and we have the funding to finish every task KARMA needs, those remaining 450M will have a value so much higher than today.
How can you be sure that your coins will be used to develop KARMA? Well you have seen US operate so far. Even 8.6Billions were returned before, we even use our own money to keep KARMA moving.
We use our own time to attend to your needs and Karma needs.
Our hired developers can charge between 11 dollars to 150 dollars per hour. WHILE UNTIL NOW WE WORK FOR FREE FOR YOU. And so far, we have proven to be trustworthy in the stewardship of any fund we handle.
We need funding. Not for our personal self but for OUR KARMA BROTHERHOOD. Decide now what do you want, 100% of a USELESS coin or 90% of a valuable coin. GO FUND KARMA!
Send to --------->