Binding Karma POS with future price is the same as not deciding what to do. This is strong negative signal to the markets. It is the same as saying "OK, maybe we will try". Personally, I prefer what Yoda said "No, try not. Do or do not. There is no try". Do not bind going to POS with future price. It is a huge mistake. If you decide not to go POS, OK, say we shall not POS. Or we will do it. It is really confusing for everyone, when there is announcement for going to POS, and then we are reading that it may not happen if price is X. This must not happen.
It must happen. We have voted on it and it has been announced with a block target and an estimated date, any attempt to go back on that would be catastrophic. I also agree that is a bad move to instill doubt by making polls and asking questions like "At what price level do we decide not to go POS when the time comes?" I guarantee you it will be manipulated one way or the other come the day of reckoning. We MUST have a solid set of details set in stone for the POS transition.
Time will tell.
The poll to which you are referring is here, for the curious:
Should Karmacoin change its code to decrease the total # of coins from 92 billion? If we held the same poll today we would have different results, guaranteed.
(This was before Karmashares changed the nature of 92 billion coins being "a lot of coins". Karmashares is also one solution for the large number of coins. It does not interfere with the fundamentals of the coin code, nor does it pose much risk. Note that this does not imply that we are against PoS.)
No if's, no buts, no 'let's see what the price is' nonsense. In the words of Captain Picard - "Make it so."
The higher our price, the less of a need for PoS. (All coins do not "need" to go PoS, right?) It makes more sense at 10 litoshi than it would at 10 satoshi. (I am not implying that if our coin price is 10 satoshi then there is no need for PoS.)
Again, we are taking a cautious approach to a fundamental change. Anything else would be foolish. (There are a handful of PoS proponents on this thread. Can you imagine what kind of backlash there would be if shifting to PoS messed us up? How many
more people would be outside with pitchforks?)
We have a long-term vision, not a short-term one.