I can see us all getting collectively screwed here by the KibweeCON
Plenty of other x11 scams that launched switch your rentals to BossCoin or Lightcoin or WatCoin (all launched today lol) pick one of the winners or mine them all for a while hope at least one will work out and make your rental money back. this one is worse than ones i named above and they are shit lol
Switch your rigs people looks like a relaunch is in the works , mine one of shitcoins that launched today and never forget "only put in what you can afford to lose, don't get greedy on launches"
People come in here, claiming scam and shit like that. People lost mining time, btc on rentals, ALL this is understandable. But if you havent calculated that in THIS SCENE you sometimes lose time/btc then it is not for you.
Dev has even given his name out in the open and he was in IRC, this WHOLE time and explaining the issue. Ive seen obvious scammers get treated with more respect ffs.
Frustration is justified, personal attacks are not. Mine something else, dump it to make up for ur costs, and come back for more news later. Geez.