Notaries are an important part of the security of the entire network.......IMO, I don't think the community will elect someone who "buys" a node.
elections are always transactional, things given & votes received in return, and there isn't a moral dimension here, so offering 'hope' and 'vision' like regular politicians isn't relevant
the current notaries have the advantage of incumbency, but those who think competency alone will be enough to keep getting elected will serve one-term only
eventually the community will only elect people who "buy" votes, i.e. share revenue
future notaries should probably operate like mining pools - fixed costs covered, % return to the operator, proportional share per 'vote'
PoW rewards are competitive, based on hardware costs & electricity (i.e. how much $$ spent)
PoS rewards are competitive, based on coin ownership (i.e. how much $$ spent)
KMD notary rewards will be competitive too, based on $$ spent. There's no other way to secure the network that maintains decentralization
I'm still not sure how these notaries work, but don't they cause centralization in the long-run?