If there is a collusion in zcash they they could use that key or information to produce unlimited Komodo coins and again no one would know?
Can this be explained?
Also with the BTC ICO is now over so the next is a full year is continuing ICO of receiving BTCD.
So i assume as BTCD comes in it is held in one account.
That account will never spend or pass out any BTCD?
In an ideal world all BTCD outstanding should go to that account and as that happens there is a reduced number of coins so volume available and selling pressure on BTCD should reduce and actually be a proxy for Komodo before and after Komodo release. And at the end of the year that account will or should hold every BTCD ever issued. Will BTCD be continued to be mined over this year, so to create more BTCD and thus Komodo?
And there is no way that the BTCD stored as redeemed could ever be double spent into the Komodo redemption and create a circle where BTCD is just moved over and over into the ICO? Especially if the first point above is compromised and unlimited coins get created by collusion?
Sorry for the doom and gloom questions but these are the only ones i have outstanding.
zcash is working on a way to audit all coins in the aggregate to put such issues to rest, even though i really dont think it is any real issue.
All the swapped BTCD will be held till after the swap period is over. Its disposition at that point will be decided, but whatever happens to it, wont affect KMD in any way. Also the redemption rate will be reduced by 5% APR to compensate for any staking during the next year