How do you calculate this?
i calculate new:
diff = 87.38136533
1 MH/s = 115,110.454 LEAF 100% pool prop
115,110.454 * 0.00000018 = 0.0207 BTC/MH/s
EDIT WRONG this is the old 1 - 1,000,000 not the new 1 - 500,000
= 0.01035 BTC/MH/s
to calculate
coinsPerBlock = 250000
difficulty = rpcserver.getinfo()['difficulty']
hashTime=difficulty * (pow(2.0, 32) / (hashRate * 1000.0))
blocksPerDay = (24.0 * 3600.0)/hashTime
coinsPerDay = coinsPerBlock*blocksPerDay
sock.send("At current difficulty of "+str(difficulty)+" you would mine "+str(coinsPerDay)+" coins a day.\n")
this is from the irc bot.