а когда блоки начнут создаваться делигатами? какое вознагражденее? дайте ссылку где можно почитать?
между 60000-64000 блоков начнётся форжинг с вознаграждением 5 монет за блок в первый год,на следующий год по 4 монеты за блок и до 1 монеты,потом постоянно по 1 монете за блок
сейчас 64710 блоков
Сейчас 46721 блоков, а когда начнется форджинг еще не понятно. Будет известно только в следующем обновлении софта
Reward offset increased
In Lisk v0.3.0, we had a block reward offset of 60,480 blocks. That means during the first week there would be no inflationary rewards at all, and afterwards one block would yield 5 LSK for the active delegates. Obviously, at that point community delegates would have to be in the top 101. This is not the case at this moment, but definitely will be in the future.
Before this switch can happen we need to make the Lisk blockchain completely stable, and iron out some outstanding issues. We know that this is an unpopular decision, however there is no other way around it. Therefore, we have moved the block reward offset temporarily to an arbitrary number of 1,451,520 blocks, i.e. six months from the launch date. Please note, this is not the real offset, we will endeavour to make Lisk stable far sooner. It is meant as a safety margin for the Lisk team to resolve the remaining issues asap.