Yes,my wallet can't sync either,i just can't figure out what happened.Dose the dev alive or can someone help me fix this situation?
Try the "resetcheckpoint / getcheckpoint" combination followed by letting maxcoin-qt re-sync as described at for me. Also, here is my complete maxcoin.conf:
# Seed nodes
# Enable RPC
rpcallowip=*# RPC information
# Mining
that part i underlined is a severe security vulnerability and will allow the public to rape your ass for coins.
do not EVER use that command in your conf --> rpcallowip=*
Please explain. That command is included in the default maxcoin.conf which is supplied with the Linux source code for every version to date, including the present one, maxcoind/maxcoin-qt If what you are saying is true, then the developer is leaving every Linux user wide open to attack.
*edit* Oh, OK, I see what you're saying. If someone could take control of my router, theoretically they could send a transfer command to my wallet. Not likely given the type of router security that I have. But I can see your point.
check out this changelog for Jackpot coin.. see part
bold underlinedCHANGELOG
V 1.5
(1) Coin split rule changes
minimum time before coin split : 2 days
maximum time for non-split the coin : 7 days
maximum coins for non-split the coin : 100,000 or 1/64 of balance
(2) WalletFileName can be specified using command line option (-wallet "wallet.dat")
(3) Non-confirmed transaction will be displayed immediately
Conflicted or Orphan/Unaccepted Transactions will be hidden
It can be selected in option menu
(4) Windows system tray notifications can be disabled in option menu
(5) Minor GUI Changes
- unlock/lock button has been removed from the Overview tab
- option dialog has been reorganized
- conflicted transaction icon has been added on transaction list
- some messages have been detailed and tuned
(6) Latest PoS/PoW/Kernel Checkpoint Updates
(7) openssl 1.0.1h
(1) PoS bug patch
- Start from : Block # : 451000
* Estimated time : July 23 22:00PM (USA EAST TIME ZONE)
V 1.4
Security Update
(1) "Unlock for PoS mining only" option has been added in Unlock wallet window, this option prevents coin sending while allowing PoS mining
(2) Length of RPCALLOWIP parameter should be 8 characters or longer. Enforce a detailed IP address to be specified. Wildcards such as "*.*.*.*" or "*" are no longer allowed
Design Changes
(1) Transaction list will be sorted by date instead of status. So, latest transaction will be on the top of list.
(2) Unlock/Lock Wallet ICON on Toolbar/Menu added
(3) Jackpot counter added on overview screen. It will start to sync after a couple of seconds
(4) ICON & GRAPHIC design has been updated. Thanks to 1BTC from '' Twitter @1_btc JMz9gAhz22fA9kx85zwS2ZSoTjiz2KbAiF
(5) Minting status icon added on tray
Addtional Notes
(1) Unconfirmed transactions are no longer listed in the transaction windows. (requires at least 1 confirmation)
(2) Any orphans or unconfirmed information will be hidden
(1) New logo and images
(2) latest checkpoints
(3) Misc fixes and performance improvements
(1) coin control
(2) latest checkpoints
(3) changed JACKPOT to JPC
Fixes a flaw in the design that allowed unfair mining
Original release
The dev on this coin has been busting his ass all along since the coins launch writing code.
no MIA vanishing act for 8 months or something cough cough.. Max Coin
and the guy has a lot more in the works too !
anyway he did that RPC security update a while back for a reason..
some Jackpot users got hit for coins and it's happened before on plenty of other coins
and anytime i mention it i usually get people mouthing me off saying duh.. and it's so common sense i should not have even said it.
well you guys just showed me it is in fact worth saying LOL
what happened in the JPC incident way back was, (so we heard via rumor i guess)
is that some hacker guy had simply collected the IP's from the wallet an easy trivial task
then he simply started trying to connect to them.. you can test your own wallet via your browser with the IP/Port too eh
and from there i dunno.. maybe he just started trying the default user pass combo's until he hit pay dirt.. not sure.
but there is no time out on password attempts i *think.
So a guy could kick back and brute force it as long as it takes until he has access.
and from there coins get stolen.. again i don't know how exactly or what ever but i do know it's been reported and confirmed by a lot of guys.
funny thing is i never even heard of the wild card thing until the jackpot coin wallet update LOL
i always just used localhost ip ( an old school loopback address safe guys