Monacoin will "take over" Akihabara in JAPAN
from Oct. 25 to Oct. 31 (JST).
Infomation spread all over the world.
Enjoy it!
I did a brief tl of this on telegram a day or so ago; basically it's an advertising campaign.
The first two images are:
"And on that day, something in Japan changed greatly... (maybe)"
"Putting that aside, come play in Akiba!"
The details:
"From 2017-10-25 to 2017-10-31, a Monacoin promotional video will be playing on the large displays throughout Akihabara UDX and Akihabara's Radio Kaikan!"
"Apart from that, Ark Akiba ( will be handing out stickers and have other fun stuff to do! Check Ask Mona ( for details."
"Akihabara UDX ( - 4 times per hour, 56 times in one day, starting from 8am in the morning until 10pm at night."
"Akihabara Radio Kaikan ( - 2 times per hour, 26 times in one day, starting from 9am in the morning until 11pm at night."
"During the duration of this event, if you shop at the electronics shop Ark Akiba ( you can receive an original sticker!"
The rest of the page is just information about Monacoin and stuff, like how it was born in Japan.
This is a pretty big advertising campaign - Akiba is in the center of Tokyo and Akiba UDX/Radio Kaikan are two large shopping areas right in front of Akihabara Station. It's one of the most visited places by tourists as well.
thanks for your translation, now i understand what happened :p