a pity the botmaster does not wish to divulge his secrets.
This wins my "understatement of the day" award.
btw though I really would like to make this game aesthetically tasteful, and if I cannot do so I still believe it must be done;
I think we're seeing a pretty solid consensus emerge around this, at least!
I really would appreciate closer interaction regarding this aspect.
So let's do it! I'm very prepared to handle any code-related aspects of doing so, but I'm no artist.
There are three areas of concern here:
1. Art assets - The actual bitmaps the game uses. These are easy enough to change for someone with artistic ability.
2. Render pipeline - The perlin shader compositions that the game uses to transform the art assets into the playing field. These are most difficult to modify, and require someone with both an artistic and programming background. (There are some ide/gui tools that may help someone with less programming background.)
3. Graphics engine itself - The C++ code that manages everything and ties it into the game engine itself. I can offer the skill-set to handle pretty much any concerns here.
I do think as a phone app it could be a viable commodity (wallet and game, cross-platform, as it MUST be). This aspect is being neglected as technical austerity, which I find reprehensible and counterproductive as to the fate of this cryptocurrency.
While I agree that this would be great, this is one of those "much easier said than done" things. It would require a new rendering engine with a different architecture, which is nontrivial. It would also require something like a hosted wallet and mining pool so that the mobile devices would not need to store the whole blockchain. I had been working on a mining pool, but it got put on the back burner for a couple of reasons. (Technical complications, the changes from the chain stall, and lack of miners generally.) This is also nontrivial.
It can, within the scope of it being a proof-of-play "currency", be something beyond a currency, that is, a game, and as such, an experience, even a fad, if you will, that may be visually appreciable but also financially remunerative, though I think the allure of graphics may appeal to the sensibilities and the desire for replay and hence community, since unplayable and visually unalluring games do not find in any sense of the word nor engender, community; think of a little man in a silly colourful hat and wonky elfin boots, cycling away on a wooden penny farthing (or other two wheeled vehicles less tacky than that vile looking - at least from an aesthete's perspective - motorcycle) on some woebegone landscape, far less Spartan than the current game's deplorable excuse for visual appreciability.
It is easy to be critical and difficult to be creative. Stop spending your time and energy on criticizing and go create instead!
I do apologise for my rancour in this regard however I do think there are aspects of scope that in this sense, are being neglected.
Sure, but there's nothing to do about it except to step up and show it some love. I can't be the one neglecting the art, because I'm not an artist. You've said you're an artist of sorts, so you're actually complaining about yourself here!
I certainly don't want to see MOTOcoin become, nor remain, I do apologise, a "red headed stepchild", however with the visually dissuasive graphics and level of zoom involved and the lack of anything that could even remotely be called appreciable gameplay, both from a physics and optic perspective,
WRT physics and gameplay I'll just re-iterate what I've said before: Tell us specifically how to improve the game, without changing the premise of the work function itself, and we can go from there. Until we know what is actually "broken" there is absolutely nothing we can do to "fix" it.
beyond this technical verisimilitude, I think this game is void of any value unless these cancerously spartan bones of visual appeal do receive some cosmic (that is to say, depthfully cosmetic) enhancements.
You're not wrong.
In this regard I believe I could be of assistance as I have taste and technical ability however when it comes to visual artistry, graphic or no; I would need guidance from devs to really make this a tasteful game for smartphones so this game can adopt an "ebolability..." haha, joke.
But, I wonder and do avow my lack of faith in your appreciation of my otherwise inappreciable semi-sentimentalities.
Yes I will definitely be contacting mister 8 this december,
though I think we must get this coin developed as a phone APP
For phones there are a LOT of concerns to be considered before the graphical assets themselves. First, what would the control scheme even be? How would the players interact with their hardware to play the game?
and also the base graphics must be altered.
No one will find in any way alluring such a dastardly colourscheme with such hideous constructs. The motorcycle and boulders have no stylistic attenuation and as such has no allure to potential interest from a non-technical perspective of game players who might be appreciative towards saturated colour and cultured form.
Again, I'm no artist so I only know intellectually what this even means. I can't *do* it.
So go do it!