The NYC community supports the miners, for it supports the coin. went even to the +1000 NYC prize money to the one who finds the block !, which is interesting even to miners with minimal capacities.
And the new pool software - allows more efficient work for miners with ASIC SCRYPT.
Dear racebyu! After seeing your message, I immediately forwarded it to "Coinsprofit" and he immediately answered about your forgotten pin. I believe I have already sent.
We are a community here and help not only NYC, but most importantly each other to promote NYC to MARS!
Without words. Official NYC Mining Pool without FEE
Every day gives your own voluntary DONATE:
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 44 44000 NYC RAS3Ng...
anonymous 11 11000 NYC RGb3hK...
mdxdm 9 9000 NYC RNm5ff...
BeejBeej 12 12000 NYC RQg88r...
macdog 7 7000 NYC RRiXaH...
anonymous 14 14000 NYC RTguhK...
wolfy 2 2000 NYC RVCtY6...
sendme 6 6000 NYC RWEWfb...
Total: 105000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 52 52000 NYC RAS3Ng...
belpotolki 2 2000 NYC REviQv...
anonymous 8 8000 NYC RGb3hK...
mdxdm 4 4000 NYC RNm5ff...
BeejBeej 7 7000 NYC RQg88r...
macdog 3 3000 NYC RRiXaH...
anonymous 12 12000 NYC RTguhK...
wolfy 5 5000 NYC RVCtY6...
sendme 2 2000 NYC RWEWfb...
gkappa 1 1000 NYC RXx2Fk...
Total: 96000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 33 33000 NYC RAS3Ng...
anonymous 7 7000 NYC RGb3hK...
varmamarpuri 3 3000 NYC RH7nih...
BeejBeej 1 1000 NYC RQg88r...
macdog 1 1000 NYC RRiXaH...
anonymous 8 8000 NYC RTguhK...
wolfy 3 3000 NYC RVCtY6...
aggarwalsankit 21 21000 NYC RVhANG...
sendme 3 3000 NYC RWEWfb...
Total: 80000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 81 81000 NYC RAS3Ng...
anonymous 7 7000 NYC RGb3hK...
varmamarpuri 2 2000 NYC RH7nih...
macdog 10 10000 NYC RRiXaH...
spud_tx 1 1000 NYC RRoQkm...
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RRzkGd...
anonymous 17 17000 NYC RTguhK...
wolfy 6 6000 NYC RVCtY6...
aggarwalsankit 1 1000 NYC RVhANG...
sendme 11 11000 NYC RWEWfb...
Total: 137000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 84 84000 NYC RAS3Ng...
casanovam 2 2000 NYC RDpZeZ...
belpotolki 8 8000 NYC REviQv...
anonymous 5 5000 NYC RGb3hK...
anonymous 7 7000 NYC RMFy65...
anonymous 2 2000 NYC RQqCZz...
macdog 5 5000 NYC RRiXaH...
anonymous 12 12000 NYC RTguhK...
tom99 1 1000 NYC RUrkRW...
Total: 126000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 26 26000 NYC RAS3Ng...
fyoung55 3 3000 NYC RCTzqR...
belpotolki 9 9000 NYC REviQv...
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RGb3hK...
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RMFy65...
anonymous 6 6000 NYC RTguhK...
wolfy 3 3000 NYC RVCtY6...
Total: 49000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
fyoung55 4 4000 NYC RCTzqR...
casanovam 2 2000 NYC RDpZeZ...
belpotolki 2 2000 NYC REviQv...
anonymous 5 5000 NYC RTguhK...
vagueink 1 1000 NYC RTSprP...
wolfy 1 1000 NYC RVCtY6...
Total: 15000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
casanovam 1 1000 NYC RDpZeZ...
anonymous 4 4000 NYC RTguhK...
vagueink 7 7000 NYC RTSprP...
Total: 12000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
vohid 1 1000 NYC RHFuxa...
HockeyDude 3 3000 NYC RLedha...
anonymous 7 7000 NYC RTguhK...
vagueink 14 14000 NYC RTSprP...
Kylan 1 1000 NYC RXidBu...
Total: 26000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
russokito 2 2000 NYC RDngYm...
casanovam 2 2000 NYC RDpZeZ...
belpotolki 10 10000 NYC REviQv...
robertowm 1 1000 NYC RGBpYz...
cryptomex 13 13000 NYC RNB3m3...
greendot 1 1000 NYC RPMLyC...
coinminer2018 11 11000 NYC RS5qEs...
anonymous 2 2000 NYC RTguhK...
vagueink 2 2000 NYC RTSprP...
Kylan 3 3000 NYC RXidBu...
Total: 47000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RDf2FY...
belpotolki 29 29000 NYC REviQv...
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RGb3hK...
anonymous 5 5000 NYC RJjR5H...
cryptomex 5 5000 NYC RNB3m3...
BeejBeej 11 11000 NYC RQg88r...
vagueink 9 9000 NYC RTSprP...
Kylan 1 1000 NYC RXidBu...
Total: 62000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
cryptomex 2 2000 NYC RNB3m3...
Total: 2000 NYC
Winner Blocks Award Wallet
belpotolki 10 10000 NYC REviQv...
anonymous 2 2000 NYC RFdKUo...
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RGb3hK...
anonymous 1 1000 NYC RJjR5H...
Total: 14000 NYC
Total paid: 771000 NYC
Target: 5000000 NYC