Are you serious?? ... this would be exceptional, i hope you are not jagging our chains here?
yes.. in process now..
eta 14 days qt client (should work linux/windows)
2nd part, 2 weeks later, should include name registration, with some fixed fields to change, like ns, IP).. anything really advanced will need to be done in console window
if all goes according to plan
Just clarifying, if I understood our PM exchange properly, you are taking the 0.3.50 NMC client and giving it a QT GUI, right? You are not updating the base client to match the newer bitcoin source?
correct... although the namecoin code will need a minor adjustment to work with the gui (will be commented in the code)..
anyone know why my daemon crashes when i use the sendtoname command?
have debug.log if anyone wants to check (in win764).. everything else works spot on from what i can tell