i'm bitcoin poor but i'll give .5 btc for a setup walkthrough for namecoin on windows 7, just pm me a link when one is written and i'll send you the BTC
Here's a rough guide:
1) Download the binaries. On Windows 7, the Download folder works fine as a place to keep the files, and where I'll assume they're located.
2) Unzip the binaries, and launch the command prompt (On Windows 7, search for CMD.exe).
3) In the command prompt, type
cd Downloads\namecoin
Replace namecoin with whatever the folder holding the namecoind.exe program is called.
Then type
start namecoind
4) A namecoind window should popup, minimize it if it doesn't close on its own. Then navigate to
and open or create a file called
bitcoin.conf5) Inside this file, insert these lines, with the username and pass of your choice:
6) In the command prompt, start up namecoind if it previously closed.
7) In the command prompt, type
namecoind listreceivedbyaddress 0 true
This will show you your receiving address. Write it down/copy+paste it somewhere.
namecoind getinfo
if you'd like to see your balance.
8 ) You're ready to start mining like you do with bitcoins now. You can use Polcbm-GUI and mine on bitparking, if you'd like a pool, or use
namecoind setgenerate true -1
to start CPU solo mining and
namecoind setgenerate false
to stop mining. You can also GPU solo mine using the GUI by using these configurations:
Server: "solo"
Host: localhost
Port: 8332
Username: username you used in bitcoin.conf
Password: password you used in bitcoin.conf
9) After you obtain your namecoins, you can send them wherever you'd like, via the command
sendtoaddress X 50
where X is the address you desire to send them to.
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