are the linux binaries up already ?
Tried to compile by myself (have not done that ever yet) but it produces a failure.
I'm guessing it's cause some parts needed are missing on my computer.
Checked for this 'miniupnp' mentioned somewhere above, but could not find it on my system. Later found out it seems that debian hasn't included it in the 'stable' version. Guessing thats the problem why i can't compile myself? At least not do the 'make -f .....' part. Actually no clue what else to do after that then - sorry, totaly new to this and never got to the point: 'searching for a howto compile yourself for newbs' - and then read it.
Wonder if i still could use the 1.02 client to send transactions or if it will screw something up.
Check the build-unix.txt file in the docs folder. For the specific problem you are having:
Requires miniupnpc for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from UPnP support is compiled in and
turned off by default. Set USE_UPNP to a different value to control this:
USE_UPNP= no UPnP support, miniupnp not required;
USE_UPNP=0 (the default) UPnP support turned off by default at runtime;
USE_UPNP=1 UPnP support turned on by default at runtime.
So basically, you want:
USE_UPNP= make -f ../build/makefile.unix solidcoin
You'll also want to make sure you've installed build-essential, libgtk2.0-dev, libssl-dev -- they actually list the apt-get commands you'll want to run in the build-unix.txt file I mentioned.