Its standard otp, google authenticator works, not sure what else, but thats what I've been testing with.
I held back payouts last night as we had an extremely high number of backed up rounds to trade (almost the day's worth). I was working through some of that backlog late last night but somewhat fell asleep
I'll push a payout out this morning based on whatever we have, and the rest will just carry forward.
Alright. Good to know the authenticator is relatively universal. I know WeMineLTC also has an SMS system.
(It would rock if you guys had SMS worker updates! For now email forwarding to my cell address works.)
Also, I hope the trade backlog is what explains the dearth in expected payouts. I should be getting at least .01 per day at 900+ Kh/s. I am weary of mining here for this reason mostly, but have not entirely stopped. I hope some really poor trades were not a part of the low payout as well. The profitability index means the coins must be mined and sold fast, not held on to for a long time, right? Maybe auto-trade or hire someone who has nothing else to do if so?
I think middlecoin changes coins without a stratum disconnect, or am I wrong about that? It's sad to see they took so many users of this pool. They charge too much, though I'm already feeling roughed with 2.5% fee with all the connection issues, rejects, and the sql injection to boot...That adds up for a lot of losses on our end.
Its more like .012 for 1.5Mhs theese days, If You´re lucky. Alts drop like on autumn 13, mostly because the faith in them is fading badly even in me (every day few crapcoins are added - would You believe that there is even Nicolas Cage Coin? WTF??!)
Blame BTC dev at Coingen for accelerating this. He would see them all die while he makes BTC.