[1] Do you mean the current daemon in GUI
[2] I had them running for a few days in multiple machines but to no avail.
Ok, this isn't good.
[3] I have reloaded/restarted the GUI wallets many times and they're the same as usual.
It seems like your database is tainted. I can't say for sure.
[4] How and when do I know that the IPs get banned?
If you use the GUI wallet, you won't see the daemon running and bannning.
[5] You lost me and I'm even more confused now.
Sorry, Visdude. I'm writing in between working on a few things and my train of thought is everywhere.
I have a proposition, that might help out.
Please import the blockchain, instructions are
here. Before you do this, shutdown all running wallets on the workstation you will be doing this on, also, have your seed words prepared after the import.
This operation should help you, it's helped many people on Discord and some on Telegram.
I will be going offline soon, if you need more help, you can join the discord channel or telegram.