A drawing will be held every 10000 network blocks, where 10 blocks worth of KDC(160KDC) will be split up and given to three random miners. If the pool runs into issues during the week, either global KDC issues or extended pool downtime, the 160KDC will remain in the pool's jackpot fund to carry over until the next round. There will be a first, second, and third place prize of 50%, 30%, and 20% of the jackpot total.
To be considered for the jackpot, you have to have submitted shares to at least 75% of the blocks mined that jackpot round, from block 1 of that jackpot's round to block 10,000. This will be easy to follow, as the first jackpot will be calculated at block 94576(10k past the start of the fork). I believe the 75% requirement to be fair. It benefits any miner that sticks with the pool through the 10k network blocks, from the 20MH/s mining farm to the guy mining on an Nvidia GTX 8800.
In addition, if you win a jackpot one week, you can not win the next week's jackpot. You can however win the jackpot the following week. If you are caught using multiple accounts to cheat the system, all accounts connected to your main account, and your main account, will be deleted instantly, no questions asked. This should be a fair system, and something people can enjoy.
I look forward to mining with you guys, and making the pool the best it can be. If you have any questions or concerns, PM me.
Thanks, mates!
-Fuse, 24Kilo, and the CripToe Pool network