I didn't comment on it as in fact i have a lot of private problems as my wife is Ukrainian and she lives in Crimea and in fact she is Crimea Tatar, anyway, ... people need to remember that it is not that easy to donate money. Even if one BTC doesn't look a lot of money, but for some people 1 BTC is a lot of money, so i can certainly not blame DEV when they are saying that they don't want to donate any money.
The NYC trip was indeed a good idea, but it just cost a lot of money, money that a no pre-mine coin don't have.
Ok, my view of the story once more, but let me start with a metaphor:
Imagine a factory making a super car. The developer/creator has an idea in mind and knows what the end result should look like. Halfway he invites some folks to "assist" for free, because a lot of work still needs to be done and the potential buyers are become more restless.
Nice!, said the assistants (who are all supercar fanatics) and they start helping on building the car. After a short while the original developer says he's out for a coffee break. Fine the assistants thought, he'll be back to tell us what to do after we finished part X and Y.
But, the dev is not coming back. Instead he stands at the other end of the garage doing other shit. When asked for help, he can't hear the assistants, or just went away for another coffee. When we have finished all the work we planned, dev is still not around, while still a lot of shit needs to be done.
The best part is: to finish building the car, some tools are needed. Turns out the hammer, paint, screwdrivers and all that shit is locked away and the only one having a key is the developer.
The question now is: do you expect the "assistants" to finish building the super car on their own? While the developer in the end gets all the profit when he sells the car? While the developer/creator isnt around to discuss things about the cars future looks?
>> My answer to that metaphoric question you guys know.
First of all, im not trying to cause a panic or say that KDC is dead.
In my view many community members said that the communications from dev's was poor a few weeks ago. Some of the more active KDC'ers decided to step up and act as community leaders and me for marketing.
The way I envisioned it was that the dev's would still run the show (behind the scenes) and that I and the community leaders took care of communications and coming up with services and marketing idea's.
This is exactly what happened for the the first week and a half. I started working on the (renewed) website, together with dave, while i.e. Jilixi started a webshop with visa cards. Also the Twitter account @klondikecoins ive "abused" a lot, spamming all kind of ppl with KDC and raised number of followers from a mere 300 to over a 1000 followers within no time.
I was under the impression that me and the community leaders were assisting the dev's in their work, channeling down the information we got. It turned out (imho) that all landed on my shoulders with the dev's assisting "us". Well, I can cope with the pressure, so in the heat of the moment my creative mind came up with the real gold give away.
The moment I decided I had enough was for several reasons, New York NOT being one of them.
1) My access to Twitter and Klondikecoin account here on BCT was revoked > couldnt log in anymore
2) We needed Dave to update the official pool page with the real gold give away and asked him if technically it would work (count the days one is mining).
2.1) No update on official pool page with our marketing plan (to this very day)
2.2) Despite asking a few times, I received no login details for official pool to edit things myself.
2.3) We were left in the dark about the technical possibilities of this idea
2.4) Basicly we heard: ye, can run a query on the database, should work
2.5) Dev's didnt want to do anything more, it was up to us to arrange it all (no problem, but we do need poolowner to cooperate, aight?)
2.6) We didnt receive any update about how much fee the pool got (for NY trip / for gold give away), while many put in a higher donation % because of all this. Where did that KDC went to?
3) It turned out to be very hard to stay in touch with dev's. Well dev's... it was only Dave we communicated with. We heard > "ill make sure other dev's get onto IRC also". Havent seen a single one of them except for Dave.
4) I can understand ppl being busy. Im busy too > dayjob, wife, friends, social life. But I spent more hours into this then all dev's combined the last 2-3 weeks. In the end, its my opinion that the maker of this coin should invest the most time and gather a team around them for support. Now they have gathered a team that did all the work and we heard close to nothing.
5) How can I come up with marketing idea's and other stuff while I can not check it with the dev's if it's ok? Again, Im more then willing to communicate to the community or update website, but without ANY dev support, how can I? Im just a "volunteer".
6) The moment I heard that half the original dev team decided to quit and with the knowledge that all was on my shoulders, I didn't feel like working my ass of for nothing. I dont care it is a non-paid "job". I dont care I didnt receive anything in return. I did this because I was a big bag holder and would benefit from KDC going up. That was my drive and motivation. But with most dev's abandoned ship I really wondered why I was putting so much effort into this, while even the dev's turned their back on this.
7) Back to the start: "The way I envisioned it was that the dev's would still run the show (behind the scenes) and that I and the community leaders took care of communications and coming up with services and marketing idea's." >> turned out to the fact I was running the show together with SparkIt and Jilixi and that it was VERY, VERY hard to have a decent conversation with any dev, because of the fact they just werent around. Didn't realize that running the show behind the scenes meant that I was here to come up with all the ideas AND work them out AND do all the communications AND couldn't fall back or rely on the dev's.
Edit: to be perfectly clear: i did not call out for a takeover. I just said with my previous post that I am reconsidering my involvement. Im still up to do the marketing for KDC, as long as the entire project is not on my own shoulders AND have some clear (daily) communications with a dev or someone in charge. I don't want to be in charge or be the KDC leader. Im best working on the background, pushing updates, getting followers on twitter, update twitter, come up with amazing and unique ideas like the real gold give away, but I do need support.
Edit 2: Donations for NY: we raised ~11k kdc which is worth just over 0.12 btc right now (including with donations from ourself we were at ~1.6 btc and with phi111 and makii we would have gotten over 4 btc worth). Some asked for their kdc back and got it back ofc. The rest has been divided between me, sparkit and jilixi for all the work we put into of KDC > costs for building kdcgoods, buying services etc. ~0.12 btc divided by 3 is nothing compared to the energy and time and own expenses that got involved (about ~0.04 btc each). In that light, the donations that havent been claimed back, went straight towards promoting of KDC and getting services up.