I have my wallet updated to v1.0.5 and when I run
getblock 3d67968e7539234c9c8402b6d4a48022e63277e57b424fa6d3b89eb28e6eacd0
in the debug console I get the same block info as Cryptzo posted earlier, so I reckon I'm on the right chain. Current block height is 11346 at 21:44 UTC.
Bittrex dont have their own block explorer but when I check their daemon status under the Help-Site Status section its showing the wallet as inactive and block height as 11234, so I guess they haven't brought it back online yet.
Some checkpointing in the daemon would be nice, but another wallet update isnt desirable currently, however you can always do your own manual checkpoints by using the getblock command like above - if you find you are on a wrong fork then clear your blockchain and start again. Hopefully Bittrex will have their daemon active again soon, then you can just check that your block height is similar to theirs and you should be ok.