We are close to BTC-equivalent profitability here. I have the following message to miners/dumpers:
Either you believe in the future of this coin, i.e. holding it as PoS to earn interest, or you don't. You are very unlikely to profit from short term mining and dumping here, because we are already close to, or even under BTC-mining equivalent price, and the market totally lacks the liquidity for that.
So IMHO only mining and holding at least until the end of the PoW period makes sense, no profits to be made by dumping now.
there's profit in it for me
i'm more than happy to buy up what I can.. let them sell at 70, 60, 50, 40 etc etc
not long till you won't be able to mine this and all the gains will be to those who hold SHA!
I''l check Exchanges for SHA, but so far only have 0.01xx BTC and with transaction/network fees, I'll get nowhere with them, I'm afraid.
you'll get around 20000 SHA for that! i've been mining since launch and i've accrued ~25000 with my 55GH... if you have 0.01 to spend on SHA, get them now!!!