I just received a very strange message from Joey. I have no idea what he is talking about. He is talking about a Blockchain App which I should have stolen, but I obviously have no intentions to steal/release it at all. Especially not under my name, I asked the person many months ago if he could develop something cool for Lisk, at least 4-5 months before Shift transitioned to our code base. I never "stole" him, it's ridiculous.
Just wanted to share it with the public before nasty lies or FUD appear.
Hi Max,
there seems to be something getting lost in communication between the parties involved. I don't know what the message to you was as I haven't spoken Joey yet but our intention is not to spread any lies or fud. Please bear with us as we work to untangle this issue
No ill feelings from our side, this is simply a matter of getting the right people in the right room.