We're very happy to announce the period to deposit coins on Bittrex for the automatic swap has now ended. There
have been 7.66 Mill coins deposited waiting to be distributed automatically to users' balances. With the remaining
90k coins from the second attack still sitting in the attackers wallet we get to a total sum of 7.76 Mill coins out of
8.04 Mill total supply on the old chain.
If you are a miner please do not deposit any coins to an exchange address either on Bittrex or Livecoin. They will
not be credited to your account and will not be swapped over. Please switch to solo mining to your local wallet as
we will not credit any that are on pool or exchange wallets.
If you still have coins on the old chain there will be an extended swap period where we manually verify each claim.
To participate please get in touch with me (@crush) on Slack.
Details about the end of mining and reactivation of trading will be announced at the beginning of next week
after Bittrex is done with their final audit. We want to thank each and every one of our community members
for their patience and support over the last weeks
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask here or join us and 250 other community members on Slack.
When did you deposit the coins? If it was after 10/07/2016 the swap period was over on Bittrex and they didn't accept any coins after that.