Mining shift not profitable at the moment, better to mine eth or exp.
no really
EXP - block are about every 2 min or more (diff is still too high - target meant to be 60 sec) . Current Diff is 550Ghs ? about 4 EXP mine per 1 min
SHIFT block have been avg around 25-35 . Diff is 50 ghs get about 4 block a min = 3 shift X 4 block = 12 SHIFT a min
So If the Difficulty is around 10X more then Shift .... you earn less then half ..... so the EXP price need to be close to 20X the price of shift
EXP need to be closer to
Eth is easy to calculate Mining 1 x 280x per day
Ether = 2.051402 ETHER =
EXP =Get about 3.5 block X 8 EXP = 28 EXP =
Shift = about 40 -45 block depends how lucky you are X 3 = 120 SHIFT =
EXP also releases 1% of 11 million coins every month. So 110,000 coins to developers every month. You could call these coins proof-of-dev mined coins... If developers don't do enough work then they sell the coins for cheaper then PoW miners. If developers do tons of work then they can't sell their coins cheaper then PoW miners.
SHIFT is by far the best to mine. I'm holding my coins for a long time so I don't really see them as worth 0.0060 BTC. I see them worth 120 SHF or 120/2,200,000 of all the coins. Compared to the other you get 2/72,000,000 ETH or 28/14,000,000 EXP. You are getting 10,000x and 100x odds against the other choices.
The SHIFT community is really good so far. This coin is the best buy in all of crypto right now. All the community and devs would have to do is switch to PoS as soon as it's available and tested, make a few of the coolest open source DApps, get 10,000+ or more users and then the coin should be worth over a few million $ marketcap.