Distribution update![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsimcoin.info%2Fimg%2Fdistribution-05-11.png&t=591&c=okrnll9AWYVyFg)
169 investors with 109.249 BTC.
Top 10 accounts own 24.03% compared to 24.17% on May 8 and 25.54% on April 28.
Daily deposits
Weekly progress reportAnother slow week. I think of it as building a pyramid (visual pun intended):
First layers take a lot of work without increasing the height of the pyramid much. But once you get closer to the top – whoosh! – you'll start advancing in giant steps
- Some time spent updating everything to support Unicode paths and file names. We need to be international.
- UTF-8 update also extended to JS API: functions like enum_vaults() now return proper Unicode strings.
- Switch to Unicode also made IniFile class too ugly. It already used outdated functions like WritePrivateProfileString(), which are relics from 16-bit times, so I rewrote it.
- Added more unit tests for basic functions and new INI class.
- Developing the Vault further. Added some functions, like re-encryption on password change.
- The rest was spent on the client, more JS API functions exposed. It can now generate new accounts and save them in vaults.
- JS API documentation started here: https://simcoin.info/wiki/Client_JS_API
Another test client release (v0.3)Please download and test it:
https://simcoin.info/simcoin_v03.zipThere are files with Unicode names inside, so if you have problems with ZIP, try 7z:
https://simcoin.info/simcoin_v03.7zPassword for included vaults: "123".
There is a UTF-8 string at the top, make sure all characters are displayed.
Test the "Copy" button on the account creation dialog and make sure it copies the secret into the clipboard, I read that it might not work in higher IE versions.
ExtraI want to praise
fsonex's work: he kept improving the code he did for the bounty and after a few iterations it became practically a complete Simcoin network monitoring tool.
He then restyled it to match my IPO design and look at it: cool is that?
This is an important piece of work, because PHP - UDP bridge is the basis for many services that want to interact with Simcoin network. And
fsonex did an excellent job on that. It's good he decided to help.
He is now working on porting the C version of Blake2s-based hash functions into JavaScript, which is important for developing proper web-clients.
That is all for this week. Even if things are somewhat slow I am happy with the steady progress.