I am still mining the crap out of this coin.....love the game, I dont care about all the bitching and moaning about 8 bit this...and scam coin that! can't wait to play the game
yeah me too. still not sure if the dev will deliver but no risk no fun
at least this is one of a few coins that can be used for something (if the game will be released ).
i'm tired of coins with no purpose and i love post apo games & i don't need good graphics.
scavenge on baby
100% agree, to me sure if there was BTC value great, but I like the idea, love RPG type games, and if (and I believe they will)the Dev's can deliver this will be fun and with purpous
I also agree but the true goal is making it fun to play.
I feel there is still far too much risk involved without further proof of concept. What will the game goals be? How will SVR be earned in game? Is it going to be a social game with tons of users? (mmorpg) or just a rpg game that will quickly get boring once completed?
Need to find a way to make it fun. and show what the actual plans are and information about the game play. Right now i fear you all are risking too much mining now and the dev should not have released without more support and being further along in the development of the game.
I hate to spread fud but what have we been shown? We need something of more substance. I dont need amazing graphics just substance. Proof that an ENTIRE game is going to be created. This is far bigger and more in depth then the dev seems to realize or let on. I want to but cant stand behind such a lack luster un proven and at most times rude development "team".
I hope things change soon for everyones sake. I only worry for those involved as I have already lost days of mining and btc on rentals myself :/ to literally be in the hole on power costs. Instead of arguing about what you are going to create show us what you can do. I want to see growth and new parts of the game all the time. Ideas being born and implemented. Right now I am worried. :/
I also agree as well. I dont think your spreading Fud, I do agree that there has to be more evolution to the game and perhaps its a good idea to get an idea of what to expect. I would suggest the dev start creating some hype around the game. here is some ideas
- release a daily bio on the different characters in the game.
- create some 2D cartoon like renderings of the worlds/characters post them so peope can get excited
- create more buzz.
I trust they are working on the game, but lets not let the whole project die because of Fud, and lack of excitment