Hi, how long will you run the full version of the platform? Can I try it out now in demo mode?
Hey Pered1980
According to the Roadmap, the RED platform will be launched during 2018.
There's no demo version of the platform.
What alternative way to invest in energy offers RED? How is it different from the usual way?
Hey there Masul1974.
RED changes the way you consume energy with the opportunity to sell some of it to other clients in the network.
The Restart Energy Democracy Platform (RED) connects energy producers and traders with retail customers around the globe in a transparent, decentralized manner; creating added value for all the parties by employing blockchain to remove several layers of costs associated with bureaucracy and transaction costs. By rearranging the way transactions are settled in a transparent manner using blockchain, producers will be able to sell their energy at a price 30% higher compared to the wholesale price to high numbers of low volume retail customers, who will then pay 30% less using existing grid infrastructure and the RED platformadministered by Restart Energy.
Why do they need to identify and whitelist their wallet addresses?
Hi Joyagesse1995
This how the team can relate each contribution to the personal details of the contributor.
Does your team really exist in this market for many years? What did you do before the RED platform was created?
Hey Consaine
Restart Energy entered the retail market after 7 years of energy production, balancing, dispatching and cross-border trading. Restart Energy has 70 employees to manage the entire set of activites that an energy supply company has to perform including all the reporting to the energy authorities.
You can visit the official website of Restart Energy - >
https://restartenergy.ro/en/And another article regarding the company -
https://blog.restartenergy.io/restart-energy-recognized-as-largest-energy-company-in-romanias-western-region-b1fbe01393c0Are you going to make a platform for CrowdFinding of business projects? Or will you sell charged batteries? I did not quite understand.
Hi Apers1991
MWAT is a utility token.
Token holders accessing the RED platform will automatically be assigned on a monthly basis a number of KW
tokens (each KW token represent 1 KWh of energy) directly proportional to the RED MegaWatt Tokens owned.
The token holders’ accounts will accrue active energy each month from the Community Energy Fund
proportional to the number of tokens owned replenishing like a battery.
The KW tokens will be used to "consume" the energy that your household needs. You can also sell the KW tokens if you desire. The MWAT tokens need to be held in a wallet that you will then link to you account on the RED platform.
RED has 2 tokens: MWAT and KW. RED MegaWatt Tokens grants you access on the platform (FREE), as you consume the energy that is
deposited in the batteries, not the batteries itself.
The transactions on the RED platform will be done using KW tokens. Each 1 KW token will be equivalent to 1KWh of energy and it will be purchased by the users of the RED platform with crypto and fiat currencies inorder to be consumed or sold on the RED platform. The RED MegaWatt Token holders will receive KW tokens proportional to the number of RED MegaWatt Tokens owned.
For each 1 MW Token the company give an initial charge of 0,11 KW Tokens
The initial charge of KW tokens is 0,11 KW Token for each 1 MW Token. Afterwards the MW Tokens will accumulate a certain amount of KW tokens from the producers donating energy on the platform. KW Tokens represent electrical energy on the RED Platform at a rate of 1 KW Token = 1 KWh
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