I am not defending that. I am simply saying that you have already made your point a few times (in a not so pleasant manner, if I must add). In fact I'm am pro for a name change but no need to repeat things over and over.
People seem to be ganging up against Bitfreak and THAT IS toxic. No wonder why he is reacting that way. People don't seem to understand that the name was not chosen out of a lucky draw but was the fruit of a well thought process. Learn how to read what has been said by Bitfreak himself and stop acting like it's the end of the world!
Yes your messages are too long when all you are saying the same thing over and over. WE GOT IT.
Please accept my apology. It seemed to me like you were attacking me for calling out BF's intemperate "imbeciles" slur. Thanks for clarifying.
When BF stood firm against the calls for a re-launch because of some tiny initial problems, I completely supported his stance. There was no reason to let the endless quest for a Great Launch be the enemy of a Good Launch.
And previous to that, I greatly admired his principled flexibility in accommodating the cries for a smaller (nominal) total emission by moving the decimal.
But resolving the naming issue with a re-brand is not (IMO) equivalent to calls for hard forks and relaunches.
I was studiously polite until the "imbeciles" comment. I'm too heavily invested in the MBC project to just let crap like that slide.
I don't appreciate being told that we'll only re-brand with a Great Name, when 1) the existing name is demonstrably very shitty and 2) I've gone out of my way to provide a Less Shitty/Good Enough alternative in the form of MiniCoin.
As a marginalist, I am motivated by comparative advantage. I am far from alone in making the case that XCN's disadvantages outweigh its advantages/inertia. That's not "ganging up" on BF, although it may be perceived that way.
Again, I personally was never confused by the I/O distinction but have since been persuaded to be sympathetic to those putative "imbeciles" who were and will be in the future. Please, don't tell us yet again about the "well thought process" that resulted in the selection of 'Cryptnite' because WE GOT IT.
We're not saying the name was carelessly chosen at random; we're asking for remedy to the current situation where Cryptonote is taking the BTC world by storm and already creating mistaken first impressions. I like to back up my claims with evidence, so when a noob posted a spot-on illustration of my point in a neighboring thread, I felt compelled to crosspost it and my response here.
XCN will do just fine without a name change, but we will save some headaches if we re-brand. If you think my long-winded posts are annoyingly repetitive, how are you going to like seeing the same 'IS THIS A CRYPTONOTE COIN LIKE BYTECOIN BECAUSE I HEARD BYTECOIN WAS A SCAM??" posts here until the Second Coming of Satoshi?