If anyone wants to be involved in building a Pool for XCN, these are two systems I am working with. The link are to the file repositories.
https://github.com/MPOS/php-mposNOMP -
https://github.com/zone117x/node-open-mining-portalMPOS - is the front end, the web graphical interface, which I believe I have it figured out. MPOS also has a Stratum for python, but I am giving NOMP, the NodeJS a try.
NOMP - is the mining backend and I expect to be a pain to integrate.
MPOSFor MPOS, the following modifications were needed:
- In the \include\lib\ folder, the file global.inc.php (the original is global.inc.dist.php, but gets copies and renamed to global.inc.php during the install process);
--- Line 38 for the algorithm is changed from "scrypt" to "m7".
$config['algorithm'] = 'm7';
--- Lines 69 to 71 are changed to reflect the port and rpcuser and rpcpassword used in the wallet's cryptonite.conf file.
--- Lines 93 to 96 are changed to reflect the coin name, url's and ports used.
$config['gettingstarted']['coinname'] = 'Cryptonite';
$config['gettingstarted']['coinurl'] = 'http://cryptonite.info';
$config['gettingstarted']['stratumurl'] = 'ServerIPAddressHere';
$config['gettingstarted']['stratumport'] = '8008';
--- Lines 103 to 106 if to add in the values from an Exchange
--- Line 142 to change to XCN
$config['currency'] = 'XCN';
- Create a file in the \include\classes\coins folder, named as coin_n7.class.php
--- The file I have it coded as:
$defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1;
* We extend our CoinBase class
* No need to change anything, base class supports
* M7
class Coin extends CoinBase {
protected $target_bits = 64;
- May need to modify line 82 in include\autoloader.inc.php, from scrypt to m7:
require_once(INCLUDE_DIR . '/lib/m7.php');
- Need to create a file in the includes\lib\ folder named, m7.php.
This file appears to have the algorithm process.
NOMPThe following files look like they need modifications or needed:
- Create a coin file in \coins folder, named as cryptonite.json
--- Need to figure out the values in that file
- Modify the file, package.json located in the root of nomp, to add in "m7" in the keywords section (starting at line 5).
I'm sure there are more that is needed, but that is the start I have so far.
1GH ran a pool, I mined on it for months solid, possibly years! no issues.