I hope so, too. Yesterday, I kept it synchronizing for more than 12 hours and it still didn't fully synchronize.
They wrote two messages regarding that issue on June 4th. The full text are shown below. Someone posted the messages in this forum and then I read that. I don't know the original source.
mikerow [5:43 PM]
I'm having problem with mysql db. I've lost all pending claims.
it seems I'm trying to understand what happened, I was editing cols to allow decimal values, but something went wrong.
Yes, phpmyadmin lagged while I was editing claims col to allow decimal values (+5% of thanksback) and so I clicked on "delete" instead "edit".
That's why I lost all pending claims.
Sorry, such situation could be barely solved with a hourly backup. Which now is not active.
It happened, I'm sorry.
It was a "lag" problem.
A thing that I did not estimated.
2500 more claims to every account with at least 1 claim.
I'm really sorry for what happened today, it was a big accident.
Yeah. Maybe I was just lucky. I don't know how to reproduce the bug (if it really was one). Now it is working normally and is not increasing abnormally anymore.
Welcome, freshman. I would like to know where the app is, too.