Some of you guys need to realize how statistics works. You will get to the exact 20% win chance on long-term, not in 10-20 minutes and not in 2-10 hours. If you keep solving the captcha for days you will have exactly the same chance vs others to get the same amount of mrais.
The payout is still 400.000mrai / 24 hours and everyone has the same probability to get it on the long run. Everyone has it harder, but the developers solved the resource problem they experienced from 2 many successful solvings.
There are literally thousands of Phillippinos working on this shit daily to sell them on the OTC thread.
You guys really need to get your shit together and stop crying and learn how this shit works. No one cares that you need positive reassurance to be able to keep going for free money. The developers are working their ass off for free. Did you read about the "no premine" part? I hope you are crying in all the ICO threads aswell that you got fucked over?
This forum has gone to shit 2-3 years ago, lots of hobo nontech people are crying nonstop that their fun and free money got ruined even though literally nothing changed here only the fucking text you get after every captcha.
1. I spent 10 days, 10 hours a day.
2. I have a coin. This means that I am a shareholder of this company?
3. Today, the company is converted into a casino.
4. What will happen tomorrow?
You want to say that the coins handed out for free, and my choice to participate or not in this part?
Owning a coin doesn't make you a shareholder. It only does so if it's explicitly stated in the TOS or whatever official source you have (website/ANN/whatever). You may ask or request certain features as a part of the community, but there are no promises.
I didn't say that the 20% chance system is the optimal one, I only argued that it's not a casino as the probability will reach close to 20% on the long run when solving these captchas.
Nothing will happen tomorrow as the developers didn't do anything except trying to solve their loaded backend problem, the distribution model is the same and the speed of it is still the same.
It's really so simple and still there are people who are unable to understand this and choose trolling instead of educating themselves.