Lets make a test now: 2000 claims will worth around 500 mrai=1claim=0,25 mrai- with total claims being around 1600k claims
If this is reduced to just 400k claims this will mean a bigger rater for the sucessful claims=2000 claimsx20%=400 claims=400mrais
Soo consider this as an increase into the difficult them a gamble, sure into 1000 claims maybe not all will be able to get 200 claims sucessful, but the purpose is to save resorces, and raise the difficult, but lets see the next distribution period to all understand and know how good or bad are the changes for all.
For my point of view it keeps the same, the more claims you make the bigger the sucess claims you will accumulate, knowing that some people with less claims can ger more mrai then others, but with this it becames a better fair model of distribution to all.
I really do not understand from where you get (It is the same phrase) cuz it is really isn't.