That's intentional, otherwise people would close and open their browser to get them faster.
my english is bad, but i want to your understanding - when i close browser, go more what 1 min, may be and 10,
when opening - wait "some" seconds to request. win7 64 bit Chrome browser. may be it only my bug?
It's okay, I can help explain.
You don't ever need to close your browser for this. You just need to wait 1-minute after each success. If you close your browser, there is still a 1-minute timer for you on any new windows or tabs.
If you use Chrome Incognito OR if you clear your cache & cookies, you must still wait 1-minute before the Free Rai form will work again.
Does that help?
wlemahieu: are you related to clemahieu? why use a new username now? makes people think
Indeed, we are brothers! Although, I only handle web-application concerns. I'm here to help with anything related to the website, so you'll see me in here from time-to-time.
Ok whatever works, somebody has to scrutinize your project.