Oh it's not? Then better stay away from it though, it's quite risky to use a wallet that's not being maintained by the devs but if you have the private key then maybe this site is safe, so far is it any better that the official web wallet? How's your experience so far, does it seem safe to use?. I'm pretty sure they already have that planned but right now they're focusing on the mobile wallet first because it's more convenient to a lot of users and in all honestly having a mobile wallet can really attract a large number of people. I think in their roadmap the team mentioned that there will be a light wallet released by the end of this year. Honestly I can't wait to use the mobile wallet, I heard it's lightning fast and super light weight, I hope they can meet all of the community's expectations.
Mobile wallets is a must as many people find it easier to store their crypto that way, but it's not the safest but it is convenient for people and that is what matters. If you don't have mobile app nowadays you should ask yourself what are you doing? To be honest many wallets around bitcoin are not from main developers but they have proven to work. I used this nanovault and never had any problem or my coins stolen. Thing with nanovault is that your keys are on your device and all necessary things are done in your browser, desktop version seems to be done with electronjs. As with everything open source use it with caution of course.
Transactions are fast indeed, although I am waiting to see some extra privacy feature but for it I will have to wait long period of time. They obviously can't meet all expectations but it should be good as long as they are working on making nano the best it can be as the more attention it attracts more devs could join the project.
If i buy an external SSD on USB can i run the nano windows wallet on it so the sync be faster?
If you have good internet speed then yes SSD should speed up the sync time as it is much faster. Just don't forget to put path to SSD once you have it. If you are interested on running the node 24/7 you might want to look at raspberry pi +SSD as it should handle the network at current rate and it doesn't cost much to run.