Damn, what was that epic dump to 2200?
Seems old Bob needs his money to pump SWIFT..
OMG!!! Look what I found! LOL
The only thing to LOL @ is your ignorance. I'd love to know what you think that GIF represents in regards to Shadow's blockchain.
Let me break it down for you:
Omaha posted that gif in response to Shadow's mobile application blockchain sync time. The mobile applications in their current form are
full nodes so they have to download the
entire blockchain which takes hours because the project is more than a few months old.
Shadow is the
only PoS-based coin that has an
Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) system (
ShadowLite) in place as outlined in
Section 8 of Satoshi's Whitepaper:
https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf. The mobile applications haven't been updated yet to reflect the addition of ShadowLite (SPV) or the new HTML interface. When using the SPV system it reduces the blockchain sync from hours to a few moments. This is an upcoming update that is concrete not vapor promises.
If SPV is beyond your understanding download
https://multibit.org/ and try it out or use Shadow's client:
Your coin would have this functionality if you had our dev team working on this coin, but you don't. Maybe Hondo can search and replace ShadowLite when we get around to open sourcing it. So at least you have that to look forward to (Shadows innovations). Thing is you can chill out in this channel or any other shitcoin thread on bitctalk and hype up your "innovations" that are coming soon(tm) but at the end of the day Shadow is the only coin in the PoS scheme that is innovating. Stealthcoin has been out way longer than Shadow and Stealth is now using Shadow's code (Stealth Addresses and LevelDB).. PRO
When looking at a coin investment look at Proof of Development, not Smoke and Mirrors.
StealthText is touted as "World's first SMS tx" Lulz. The thing is CloakPal (
www.cloakpal.com) was running anonymous SMS texts sending back in June so StealthText is definitely not the world's first.. Nothing new here.. other than you had someone review it and give it a bit of artificial hype. CloakPal was also developed by a supporting dev, not the core team. Here you have done the same thing and built a platform around it? PRO.
Tor Support? Standard on all bitcoin forks:
1 - Options
2 - Network
3 - Connect through SOCKS proxy (TOR)
Instructions can be found here:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/TorAs a potential investor when I look at Stealthcoin I see:
StealthText = CloakPal
StealthSend = ShadowSend
StealthMarket = Open Bazaar
Tor = Standard on all bitcoin forks. RZR made this a default with their code.
Outside of what I've just laid out above; there hasn't been anything innovative developed here other than a logo and misleading marketing graphics.
What I've just laid down for you here are FACTS not FUD. You should of expected a proper response to the mindless circle jerking happening in this thread. It's sickening.