BITMAIN own website 1.90 BTC
Sushi-review 1.90 BTC
Ninjatech 2.00 BTC (I think this one wants to earn some extra cash)
There's also Ninjaboon and then someone from Korea who doesn't seem like he's legit.
Did you see the initial price fluctuations? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bitmain started selling units at 2.4 while Sushi was selling at 3.0.
So product is sold to one person for one price, and to another for another price. The only person who profits is Bitmain, and this can royally screw the people who are stuck selling for more because they're charged for more.
And that's just the distributors... Don't even get me started on the way that they're handing out coupons to certain people and not others.
I'll be happy to retract all my statements, but the bottom line is that I've posted about this in other threads and I haven't even been acknowledged. I want them to tell me I'm wrong, I like the product. I don't think anyone has a bone to pick with the actual product. The way they do business is another story.