Please don't keep quoting the troll, people. Just use the ignore button.
In case it isn't obvious, one trolling techique is just to tag-team - a second, third, or nth person quotes the original troll message and comments on it, thus keeping it visible and derailing a thread over time.
If you feel the need to respond to an obvious troll comment (I get it), it's probably better for everyone, yourself included, if you just put the person on ignore instead. After that, they can howl at the moon forever and it won't bother you again. Most sites don't have an ignore button, so troll-handling culture is different here. It works if you use it.
Ahem. S3 discussion? Where was I? My pool reports 450+ GH/s for each. The miner dashboards are reporting 425+ GH/s. This is after about 48 hours and seems stable. Temperatures are 40C or less, ambient is 26.2. Power is Seasonic 650-KM for now (lots of headroom). They connect to a Netgear GS-108 switch for now. All routine stuff.
I've just set the pool worker difficulty back down to 256 after a day or so at 512. Early indications are that it might produce better hash rates at the lower difficulty. Too soon to be sure.
pretty much in agreement with all you just said.
My 2 s-3's are set at 212.5 freq.
They use about 630 watts from a seasonic 1000 watt plat psu.
I need only 2 cables per s-3
My readings are:
429.82 gh s-3 gui 432 gh btc guild 26 errors for a 0.001% error rate
428.59 gh s-3 gui 445 gh btc guild 14 errors for a 0.0005% error rate
My garage is getting a bit too warm as I have 1100 watts in gridseed blades running along with 630 watt in the s-3's
I move these s-3's to my friends office on monday.. We get power at 3 cents a k-watt in his office.
I will get 2 more with my coupon when batch 4 opens.
I am hoping batch 4 will allow for a real over clock.
To all try to ssh in and run freq 212.5 if you gear does not over clock well.
Some of us have good over clocking s-3s some do not.
My s-3's did not over clock well at 225 or 237 or 250.
but both do very well at 212. 858 gh at 630 watts (plat psu) = .734 watts